dip;506924 Wrote: 
> Does LazySearch2 use the same block as SvrPowerCtrl?
No, but yes.  SrvrPowerCtrl is smart enough to know when a regular
audio library scan is taking place and interprets that as a "busy"
signal.  But SrvrPowerCtrl doesn't know anything about LazySearch scans.
Stewart was kind enough to include code in his plugin that calls the
blocking mechanism in SrvrPowerCtrl.  So, it's LazySearch that's telling
SrvrPowerCtrl that 'Lazyfacation' is in process and please don't
interrupt it.  It does this by setting a SrvrPowerCtrl block and then
clearing the block once the Lazification scan is complete.

To me, it seems like the problem is most likely one of the following:

Lazifacation is taking a really, really long time.  You might ask
Stewart if 5+ hours is beyond the realm of reason here.

The Lazyifacation scan dies somewhere along the line and thus
LazySearch never frees it's requested block because it never gets the
message that the scan is complete.  You might ask Stewart if there is a
log entry you ought to look for that would indicate that the scan

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