Thanks Toby...I'll take a look at the DRC mailing list.

As for the attentuation issue, it really seems to only manifest itself
as a problem when DRC is active.  As stated earlier, this then requires
me to reduce the gain in the Inguz config files to -21 or -22 just to
miminize (not eliminate) the clipping.

Conversely, when Inguz EQ (only) is running....I can stay at the
default -16, and even with some crazy boosts and cuts (just to see what
happens) the clipping issue is rarely recorded in the log file.

Looking at the correction .wav file used by DRC, there is really only
one bad spot to contend with (a large peak at 51hz).    It would seem
that since the DRC then tries to reduce gain at this
frequency...clipping would be the least of my worries.    
Apparently....something else is going on that causes the "global" gain
of the total DRC process to be much higher that I think...

I hope that the hardware will allow me to do a bit of strategic
"sculpting" in the range below 300hz or so.   Just trimming down some
peaks mind you...not trying to fill in any 100db nulls.  ;)      

Thanks again for the inputs!!   I appreciate your suggestions!


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