Is there a way to learn more about the syntax used in the tag mapping
field of custom scan?

The server settings page helpfully lists several examples, but I would
like to see a reference page if possible. Is that function syntax unique
to Erland's plugins, or is it based on some common library? The *exp=*
function is tantalizing, but I'm unclear on what it can do. Does it
accept only a single argument?

I want to show custom tags JCATALOG and MOVEMENT on the top line of my
Squeezebox3. I wish to pad MOVEMENT with a couple of blank spaces on
each side. (I think my example doesn't apply the trailing blanks.)
Anyway, I'm using:


Is a simpler way to do this? Any insight would be appreciated.

As an aside, I'm only using tag mapping in an effort to shorten title
format strings shown on the interface tab.

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