I am running SlimServer 6.5.4 on a Synology DS-207 NAS box. Because the
DS-207 has limited memory and a relatively slow processor, upgrading to
later versions of the Squeezebox server software is not an option - I
have tried, and it runs impossibly slowly.

I would like to add another base-level folder to the NAS box and have
it appear in the Squeezebox menu at the same level as the Music Folder;
e.g. Browse/Audiobooks Folder to appear in the same browse list as
Browse/Music Folder. In other words, I want a folder for audiobooks
(and maybe some others as well) that appear in the browse list
/alongside/ Music, but not /inside/ Music. I would like the contents of
this folder to be indexed separately from the Music folder and, for
example, not included in the music random playlist.

I realise that will require some re-programming of SlimServer as well
as creating the new folders. Has anyone done anything like this? Can
anyone offer any suggestions about how I might do this myself?

Gerard Lardner

GerardLardner's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=11817
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=76815

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