This is my FIRST attempt at a squeezebox plugin, so please be gentle.

I wrote WeatherClock to learn how to write plugins and generally to
have abit of fun, but I find it useful enough that I use it almost
every day so I thought others might find it useful too.

Basically it is yet another weather display screensaver, but there are
some differences.  It is meant almost exclusively for Boom users
because it is "interactive".  Usually it shows a clock, but with the
"big knob" you can bring up a weather forecast (using Google).  One
turn shows the weather now; two turns shows the weather tomorrow; three
turns the day after etc.  Also, the six preset buttons can be used to
show the weather for six different, defined, locations.  Configuration
is via a plugin settings page in SBS.

While it should work on any other "Slim" SBS, it is a bit silly to need
the IR remote to view the forecast.  I guess it might be useful to
Transporter owners too.

You can download it here:

I've only tried it out on Linux, but it should run on Windows/Mac as
well.  On Linux, you would unzip into /var/lib/squeezesaver/Plugins and
restart SBS.

Any feedback, good and bad, gratefully received.


(SB 2, SB Boom, SB Radio)
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