peranil;531871 Wrote: 
> In the file SqueezeIRApplet.lua I changed the line:
> mstrPath = "/usr/share/jive/applets/" .. APPLET_NAME .. "/" ..
> APPLET_NAME .. "Applet.lua"
> and commented the following lines:
> -- absolute path to this file.
> -- if System == nil then
> -- v7.3
> --      mstrPath = Framework:findFile(mstrPath)
> -- else
> -- v7.4
> --      mstrPath = System:findFile(mstrPath)
> -- end
> At least it worked for my use of the applet - don't know if other parts
> are broken after the 7.5 upgrade...
That will do it.  They are lines 956-965 of SqueezeIRApplet.lua and are
part of the init() function.  It's about 3/4 of the way into the file.

Now that 7.5 is an "official" release I guess I'll have to do something
about supporting it.  I do wish Logitech would make their mind up and
stop mucking about with the lua object model!

as far as I can tell there are two options:
1) hard-code the path. This is the easy option. It hasn't changed sinse
at least 7.3 (when I came to Squeezestuff) so will be backwards
compatible but will require a re-think if a future release moves the
2) Expand the if...else...end block to include a new section for 7.5. 
This would require me finding out where they've moved findFile() to
which is easier said than done!

Option 2 could also require re-coding if a future version made another
change and is harder than option 1 so I think hard-coding the path is
the way forward. The downside is that option 2 worked on desktop
squeezeplay which is what I used for development testing whereas option
1 won't (but that's my problem).
Watch this space...

Has anyone noticed any other anomolies with SqueezeIR on 7.5?

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