finizi;533519 Wrote: 
> How to test URL "shark://xxx" from command line ?  When I type it, I got
> "-bash: shark://xxx: No such file or directory".

The "shark://" pseudo URL is only valid within SBS - it is a formatr
crerated by the Sharkplay plugin to enable SBS handle radio stations as
if they were a real URL.

Back to the original problem which I think is related to permissions
and setup.

When you try to play a "shark://xxx" within SBS and assuming RadioShark
LED is off before you start - either

(a) if the RadioShark LED comes on but no audio it means the "shark2"
app works but arecord doesn't.

(b) if the RadioShark LED doesn't comes on it means the "shark2" app is
not working.

What happens on your system (a) or (b) or something else ?

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