>> gallery random
>> to get a random picture out of all favorites, or:
>> gallery random id:fav_id
>> to get a random picture out of a given favorites list?

> Sounds good, what would I get back in the result ?

As this would be basically the same query as the screensaver query (used for 
the SP screensavers), the result would be of the same format (but only one 
random item per query):

     caption => "IMGP5956.JPG",
     date    => "14.12.2008 - 12:06",
     image   => 
     owner   => "",

or the simple tag separated list in CLI mode:

gallery random  owner%3A caption%3AIMGP6253.JPG date%3A03.01.2009%20-%2013%3A27 

the {resizeParams} should be replaced with the 999x666 size you want.

> I probably want to be able to somehow specify the size of the image.

That's what the {resizeParams} placeholder is for.

> I'm guessing the fav_id will be the same always ? It won't be
> re-generated at SBS restart or something similar ?

It's simply an index as in the order as you defined the favorites in the 
settings page.

> Is there any way to get a list of available favorites from a perl
> plugin (Custom Clock Helper plugin in this case)

gallery favorites
gallery favorites id%3A0 title%3AWichtigste%20Bilder id%3A1 
title%3AMehr%20wichtiges id%3A2 title%3AFun%20Pictures id%3A3 

Would that help?

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