luny;543950 Wrote: 
> Any plans to make SqueezeIR available through proper installation
> (extension downloader?)
I think that should be fairly straightforward as it looks like I just
need some webspace and a few small xml files to tell the plugin
installer what to do.  I'll give it a go.

There is a big 'but' though: You would still need to SCP into your
controller to put your xml config file in place.  The only way round
that (as far as I can see) would be to have a companion plugin on the
server that downloaded the file to the controller but I have no
experience of writing plugins.  The full solution would be a plugin
that presented a gui to allow you to create and download the xml but
that's a pipe-dream I'm afraid as I don't know anything about writing
perl scripts.

It's only an issue when new firmware is released which, let's face it,
isn't that often.  If you're running old firmware and regularly
switching between your local music and, causing the
firmware to constantly be up/down-graded then I can see it as a bit of
a showstopper.  As long as you keep a backup copy of your lirc files
and xml on your pc then it should only be a 2 minute job to re-install

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