I'll get back later with a bit more details how to use the new features,
but there is now a new version of the Custom Clock applet including
helper plugin available, so you can start the experiment with it.

******* NOTE!**********
All the sdt related styles and items requires a recent version of Super
Date Time soon to be released. If you really want to try the new
features already now you can install the release candidate of Super
Date Time manually, it's found in this post:
(Keep in mind that it's not an official release yet)

**** CREDITS **** 
- *GoCubs* should have all credits for the extensions he has made to
the Super Date Time plugin that opened up a LOT of possibilities.
Custom Clock just displays what Super Date Time provides.
- *bluegaspode* should have credit for including the necessary Custom
Clock integration in his Weather applet to support the
appleticon/applettext items.
- Anyone that has provided a style that's part of the bundled set of
styles should now also see their nickname in the style. So if you
haven't provided a style yet, please do and your name will be there

Anyway, the new features in Custom Clock (and corresponding Custom
Clock Helper) are:
- Added support for new sleepicon item type
- Added support for new imageicon item type
- Added support for scrollable sdtsporttext item
- Added information about contributors in style list
- Increased so 9 configurations can be configured
- Corrected sorting in style list
- Show style name instead of just Custom Clock #4 in lists
- Added sdtweathermapicon items (requires new Super Date Time version)
- Added sdtsporticon and sdtsporttext items (requires new Super Date
Time version)
- Added sdtstockicon and sdtstocktext items (requires new Super Date
Time version)
- Added sdtmiscicon and sdtmisctext items (requires new Super Date Time
- Added sdtweathericon and sdtweathertext items (requires new Super
Date Time version)
- Added appleticon and applettext items (used by Weather, Daylight
Clock and Text Clock applets)
- Added pluginicon and plugintext items (used by MythTV and Mail
- Corrected artifacts on scrolling text (might require adjustments on
some styles)
- Added support for having different fontsizes on multiple row items
- Added support for visibility group concept
- Added Custom Clock to Extras menu and made it possible to enable it
on Home menu
- Corrected so it might work on SqueezePlay on Windows
- Optimize usage with Screen Switcher applet to avoid delays when
switching screen savers continuously

Since I don't have the time at the moment to describe exactly how to
configure the different items, I'll just give a few ideas of the

With sdtweathermapicon you can show a satellite image of your area with
current weather conditions, Greg's (GoCubs) Super Date Time plugin
offers a number of different maps. You can also with the clip*
attributes configure it to only show a specific area, for example the
area around where you live even if the map is for a larger area.

With sdtsporticon and sdtsporttext, you can show a switching display
with sport results with both text and team logotypes. All sport results
available in the Super Date Time plugin can be shown. You can configure
the layout exactly as you like and you can of course combine them with
all the other item types supported by Custom Clock.

With sdtstockicon and sdtstocktext, you can show stock rates including
a day chart for a specific stock. These items will of course also be
switching so they will cycle through all stocks you have configured in
Super Date Time.

With sdtmiscicon and sdtmisctext, you can show long weather
information, stock or any information provided by third party plugins
that hooks into Super Date Time. The items works the same as the
sdtsport* and sdtstock* items. The latest beta versions of my MythTV
and Mail plugins uses this integrations, so this means that people with
MythTV can show currently active or pending recordings in their MythTV
media center and with the Mail plugin you can get a mail notification
icon or even show the subjects and some additional information about
new mails.

With the imageicon, you can display an image, this has of course
already been possible before but this item also have clip
possibilities. Some usage examples could be showing a continuously
updating satellite image of some area you are interested in. My
personal usage will be to point it to weather maps which isn't already
included in the Super Date Time weather map support.

Ẅith appleticon and applettext, you can display text or images
provided by other applets. Currently the Weather applet by
*bluegaspode* uses this which should make it possible for people mainly
using MySB or TinySC to create a style with weather information. If you
aren't satisfied with the default layout provided by the Weather applet
this is now possible to configure exactly as you want with Custom Clock.
Note, to configure your own style, you will need to run a separate
Squeezebox Server, but after the configuration it should be enough with
TinySC or MySB. Besides this, the just released Text Clock applet and
also the Daylight Clock applet uses the same integration. So this makes
it possible to display time as "quarter past four" or show moon or earth
images in any Custom Clock style.

With pluginicon and plugintext, you can integrate any information that
third party plugins that integrates with the provider interface in
Custom Clock Helper provides. Currently, only the MythTV and Mail
plugins in my testing repository supports this integration. It
basically gives the same possibilities as the sdtmisc* items mentioned
above for users that for some reason doesn't want/can run the Super
Date Time plugin.

The visibility group concept included in this version makes it possible
to have switching information within the same style, for example first
show the time as "quarter past four", then show the name of the
currently playing artist and finally show the current temperature from
Super Date Time. I think this is going to be an important concept
considering the limited screen size of the Radio and Touch. Dynamic
switching items, as most sdt* items, also automatically adjusts the
visibility time. So if there are 10 active sports event an item is
shown long enough to display all 10 but if it's only 1 active event it
will show shorter time of if there aren't any active events at all it
won't be displayed at all.

It feels like the real strength with all these items is that you can
combined them together on a single screen. I can't wait to see what
people with some graphic skills can accomplish with all the SDT items
when combining them with all the other supported information.

The Screen Switcher plugin has been updated so it works a bit better
with Custom Clock and it now also offers the possibility to show
different screen savers on different weekdays or times. I'll add some
more information about it in the announcement thread for Screen
Switcher later today. It's available already now, so feel free to try
it out.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' (http://erland.isaksson.info) (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'
erland's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3124
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=68269

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