Nautilus;555503 Wrote: 
> Hi,
> the file I was referring to is this:
> Naturally I don't except you to hurry with this, there are certainly
> other priorities in your life..:) But if you would be able to work out
> the codes following the logic with these ones I'd be very happy to test
> them out. Thanks a lot, you are way too kind! :)
It's easy (when you know how!).  The device is a Sony and has 15 bits
with no pre-data so it is using the SIRC-15 protocol.  SIRC-15 has 7
device bits and 8 command bits making for a maximum of 255 commands per
device.  SIRC sends the codes lsb first whereas LIRC sends them msb
first (unless the REVERSE flag is present, which it isn't in your
case).  This means we must convert the LIRC hex-codes into 15 bit
binary, reverse the order of the bits, split the binary code into 7
device bits and 8 command bits and then convert those two binary
numbers into decimal to see what the real device and command codes are.
Once that's done we fill in the gaps and reverse the entire process to
give the missing codes.  Your LIRC file has 2 device codes (24 & 88) so
there is a maximum of 510 codes that your amp could be using.  I would
create a <menu> with each command in it and then work down it to see if
any work.  The complete list of possible codes for the amp is attached
(just paste them into the 'begin codes...end codes' section of the lirc

|Filename: ir.txt                                                   |

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