Well, I'm able to install the new beta without any trouble, so far so
good. But that's also it, I'm not able to listen to anything at all, I
get 404 Not Found errors when clicking for example "Playlists", but
clicking on the newly added "Recent Artists" for example yields the
error below:

    Timed out waiting for data
  [10-06-20 06:37:31.1526] Slim::Utils::Timers::__ANON__ (260) Error: Timer 
failed: illegal file descriptor or filehandle (either no attached file 
descriptor or illegal value):  at 
/opt/squeezebox-server/Slim/Networking/IO/Select.pm line 149.
  [10-06-20 06:37:37.8980] Slim::Formats::XML::gotErrorViaHTTP (332) Error: 
getting localhost:9001/status.json
  Timed out waiting for data

At startup I get this error which I've been trying to solve but without
any luck so far:

    [10-06-20 06:22:05.6387] Slim::Utils::PluginManager::load (330) Warning: 
Couldn't call Plugins::Spotify::Plugin->initPlugin: slimserver.pl: exec failed: 
No such file or directory
  at /opt/squeezebox-server/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/Spotify/Spotifyd.pm 
line 35

Spotifyd runs and seems alive and well though, according to logs.
ArchLinux with SBS 7.5.1. Any help or hints appreciated! I'm not giving
up on this one, I wantz it! ;)

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