ewreck;561055 Wrote: 
> Erland i found this old thread;
I knew I had done this somewhere, thanks for finding it.

ewreck;561055 Wrote: 
> But can you add one extra playlistparameter for me. About intensity.
> Range 1 to 5
> So i can choose between an range of the BPM and the intensity of it.
Exactly what is the intensity tag called in the Custom Scan
configuration ?

Feels like it should be something like this if the tag is INTENSITY and
it only contains integer values:

  -- PlaylistName:BPM Range
  -- PlaylistGroups:
  -- PlaylistParameter1:custom:Select Low BPM:select 
 from customscan_track_attributes where 
customscan_track_attributes.module='customtag' and 
customscan_track_attributes.attr='BPM' group by 
10*floor(customscan_track_attributes.value/10) order by 
  -- PlaylistParameter2:custom:Select High BPM:select 
 from customscan_track_attributes where 
customscan_track_attributes.module='customtag' and 
customscan_track_attributes.attr='BPM' and 
customscan_track_attributes.value>='PlaylistParameter1' group by 
10*ceil(customscan_track_attributes.value/10) order by 
  -- PlaylistParameter3:custom:Select Intensity:select 
customscan_track_attributes.value,customscan_track_attributes.value from 
customscan_track_attributes where 
customscan_track_attributes.module='customtag' and 
customscan_track_attributes.attr='INTENSITY' group by 
customscan_track_attributes.value order by customscan_track_attributes.value
  select tracks.url from tracks
        join track_statistics on
        join customscan_track_attributes as lowbpm on
                tracks.id=lowbpm.track and lowbpm.module='customtag' and 
lowbpm.attr='BPM' and lowbpm.value>='PlaylistParameter1'
        join customscan_track_attributes as highbpm on
                tracks.id=highbpm.track and highbpm.module='customtag' and 
highbpm.attr='BPM' and highbpm.value<='PlaylistParameter2'
        join customscan_track_attributes as intensity on
                tracks.id=intensity.track and intensity.module='customtag' and 
intensity.attr='INTENSITY' and intensity.value='PlaylistParameter3'
        left join dynamicplaylist_history on
                and dynamicplaylist_history.id is null
        group by tracks.id
        order by rand()
        limit 25;

Note, since I don't have any BPM and INTENSITY tags in my music files,
I haven't been able to test if the above playlist actually works. So
give it a quick try and report back if it doesn't work and you can't
find the error yourself.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' (http://erland.isaksson.info) (Install my plugins through
Extension Downloader)
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library, Title Switcher and Database
Query plugins'
erland's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3124
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=80304

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