Triode;562526 Wrote: 
> Afraid I don't know enough about WHS to answer this - others have done
> it so hopefully they can help here?
> I would suggest upgrading the server to 7.5.1 though as this contains
> some bug fixes and is what the plugin was developed against.

Have just upgraded to 7.5.1 and installed the new .7 version of the
plugin. When I start spotifyd.exe in a command window I get the
following error:

[16:09:07.640] main:315 spotifyd.exe 0.2build7 started
[16:09:07.640] main:332 Config: username: riotzone cachedir:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
Data\Squeezebox\Cache\spotifycache bitrate: 320 httpport: 9001
[16:09:07.718] main:357 Unable to create session: Initialization of
library failed

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