Seems i first had some connection problems, but as you can see further
down i get some mismatches.

Triode;562875 Wrote: 
> -4 is different from -2, please set Helper app logging to Debug and then
> try again and post the output here.

[22:11:02.682013] main:553 streamid: 0 newid: 9
[22:11:02.707201] check_player:167 1:
[22:11:02.724398] check_player:190 2:
[22:11:02.724437] check_player:199 mismatch 3489769664 3489769664
[22:11:02.724446] check_player:203 mismatch 3489769664 3489769664
[22:11:02.724488] main:578 bad player: unable to play on this player:
[22:11:02.724501] _streambuf_reset:45 state IDLE -> IDLE
[22:11:03.345163] main:410 new connection
[22:11:03.345953] main:443 req: cover.jpg res:
0ea681ab6c12474ecd27faf566d98944321ba3a3 par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.1
auth: (null)
[22:11:03.368292] write_cover:33 cover fetch: No error
[22:11:03.404538] main:410 new connection
[22:11:03.404691] main:443 req: cover.jpg res:
0ea681ab6c12474ecd27faf566d98944321ba3a3 par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.1
auth: (null)
[22:11:03.407581] write_cover:33 cover fetch: No error
[22:11:03.978748] main:410 new connection
[22:11:04.246804] main:443 req: cover.jpg res:
0ea681ab6c12474ecd27faf566d98944321ba3a3 par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.1
auth: (null)
[22:11:04.250539] write_cover:33 cover fetch: No error
[22:11:23.166820] main:410 new connection
[22:11:23.166988] main:443 req: (null) res: (null) par: (null) prot:
HTTP/1.1 auth: (null)
[22:12:46.345526] main:315
0.2build8 started
[22:12:46.346038] main:332 Config: username: swl cachedir:
/Users/swl/Library/Caches/Squeezebox/spotifycache bitrate: 320
httpport: 9001 cliport: 9090
[22:12:50.396488] main:410 new connection
[22:12:50.399269] main:443 req: browse.json res:
spotify:track:36eDdt2Ao71EuN4bMGrL4h par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
[22:13:00.400345] main:466 could not login within 10 seconds
[22:13:00.400602] main:410 new connection
[22:13:00.400674] main:443 req: stream.flc res:
spotify:track:36eDdt2Ao71EuN4bMGrL4h par:
player=00%3A04%3A20%3A16%3Aeb%3A0a&start=0&sync=1&id=1 prot:
SPOTSTREAM/1.0 auth: (null)
[22:13:00.401950] log_message:65 log: 20:13:00.401 I [ap:1368]
Connecting to AP

[22:13:05.402102] log_message:65 log: 20:13:05.402 E [ap:1305] AP
Socket Error: Unknown error: 20000 (20000)

[22:13:05.402180] log_message:65 log: 20:13:05.402 E [ap:3153]
Connection error:  117

[22:13:05.402265] log_message:65 log: 20:13:05.402 I [ap:1368]
Connecting to AP

[22:13:10.401801] main:466 could not login within 10 seconds
[22:13:10.401908] main:519 newstream
[22:13:10.401941] main:553 streamid: 0 newid: 1
[22:13:10.404342] log_message:65 log: 20:13:10.404 E [ap:1305] AP
Socket Error: Unknown error: 20000 (20000)

[22:13:10.404395] log_message:65 log: 20:13:10.404 E [ap:3153]
Connection error:  117

[22:13:10.404449] log_message:65 log: 20:13:10.404 I [ap:1368]
Connecting to AP

[22:13:10.404501] check_player:167 1:
[22:13:10.405336] check_player:190 2:
[22:13:10.405362] check_player:199 mismatch 3489769664 3489769664
[22:13:10.405372] check_player:203 mismatch 3489769664 3489769664
[22:13:10.405402] main:578 bad player: unable to play on this player:
[22:13:10.405414] _streambuf_reset:45 state IDLE -> IDLE
[22:13:15.404817] log_message:65 log: 20:13:15.404 E [ap:1305] AP
Socket Error: Unknown error: 20000 (20000)

[22:13:15.404866] log_message:65 log: 20:13:15.404 E [ap:3153]
Connection error:  117

[22:13:15.404913] log_message:65 log: 20:13:15.404 I [ap:1368]
Connecting to AP

[22:13:25.754760] main:410 new connection
[22:13:25.756985] main:443 req: browse.json res:
spotify:track:36eDdt2Ao71EuN4bMGrL4h par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
[22:13:25.761804] log_message:65 log: 20:13:25.761 E [session:728] Not
all tracks cached

[22:13:25.762376] logged_in:50 logged in
[22:13:25.762425] metadata_updated:69 new meta
[22:13:26.762618] process_track:726 process track
[22:13:26.762737] process_track:736 browse track: ok
[22:13:26.763018] process_track:726 process track
[22:13:26.763089] process_track:736 browse track: ok
[22:13:26.775290] container_loaded:78 playlist container loaded
[22:13:26.775462] metadata_updated:69 new meta
[22:13:27.201466] main:410 new connection
[22:13:27.202583] main:443 req: playlists.json res:
spotify:user:swl:playlist:35zXKi3j6hhwGrQ6IoValb par: (null) prot:
HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
[22:13:27.202659] process_singleplaylist:646 process single playlist
[22:13:27.202674] process_singleplaylist:659 tracks loaded: 12 of 12
[22:13:29.083028] main:410 new connection
[22:13:29.083076] main:443 req: stream.flc res:
spotify:track:1qgWulqdSiGfIvlRP1C6N8 par:
player=00%3A04%3A20%3A16%3Aeb%3A0a&start=0&sync=1&id=2 prot:
SPOTSTREAM/1.0 auth: (null)
[22:13:29.083116] main:519 newstream
[22:13:29.083126] main:553 streamid: 0 newid: 2
[22:13:29.112871] check_player:167 1:
[22:13:29.129441] check_player:190 2:
[22:13:29.129478] check_player:199 mismatch 3489769664 3489769664
[22:13:29.129487] check_player:203 mismatch 3489769664 3489769664
[22:13:29.129528] main:578 bad player: unable to play on this player:
[22:13:29.129557] _streambuf_reset:45 state IDLE -> IDLE
[22:13:29.145226] main:410 new connection
[22:13:29.146807] main:443 req: stream.flc res:
spotify:track:7sI7rhcEbNyI78SsNMO2A8 par:
player=00%3A04%3A20%3A16%3Aeb%3A0a&start=0&sync=1&id=3 prot:
SPOTSTREAM/1.0 auth: (null)
[22:13:29.146883] main:519 newstream
[22:13:29.146893] main:553 streamid: 0 newid: 3
[22:13:29.148276] check_player:167 1:
[22:13:29.148811] check_player:190 2:
[22:13:29.148829] check_player:199 mismatch 3489769664 3489769664
[22:13:29.148838] check_player:203 mismatch 3489769664 3489769664
[22:13:29.148859] main:578 bad player: unable to play on this player:
[22:13:29.148869] _streambuf_reset:45 state IDLE -> IDLE
[22:13:30.907651] main:410 new connection
[22:13:30.907698] main:443 req: cover.jpg res:
308f8e98804f6eb865db382b63f8c23a5f34407f par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.1
auth: (null)
[22:13:31.193238] main:410 new connection
[22:13:31.274937] main:443 req: cover.jpg res:
308f8e98804f6eb865db382b63f8c23a5f34407f par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.1
auth: (null)
[22:13:31.275026] write_cover:33 cover fetch: No error
[22:13:31.275127] write_cover:33 cover fetch: No error
[22:13:41.008187] main:410 new connection
[22:13:41.008229] main:443 req: cover.jpg res:
308f8e98804f6eb865db382b63f8c23a5f34407f par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.1
auth: (null)
[22:13:41.009574] write_cover:33 cover fetch: No error

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