
Grate plugin!! But I have some problems. I have installed Squeeze
sentre on my Windows Home Server, that worls grate, but the plugin is
very unstable and it doesnt show my playlists. 

[17:06:27.390] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:06:27.562] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:06:27.859] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:06:27.937] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:06:28.031] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:06:28.156] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:06:28.203] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:06:28.296] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:06:28.343] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:06:28.734] main:440 req: cover.jpg res:
de522cc27286ac961dc2cbb6e5b8b5b21ec8929d par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0
auth: (null)
[17:06:28.843] write_cover:57 cover fetch: No error
[17:06:28.968] main:440 req: cover.jpg res:
de522cc27286ac961dc2cbb6e5b8b5b21ec8929d par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0
auth: (null)
[17:06:28.968] write_cover:57 cover fetch: No error
[17:06:29.515] main:440 req: cover.jpg res:
de522cc27286ac961dc2cbb6e5b8b5b21ec8929d par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0
auth: (null)
[17:06:29.515] write_cover:57 cover fetch: No error
[17:06:30.015] main:440 req: cover.jpg res:
de522cc27286ac961dc2cbb6e5b8b5b21ec8929d par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0
auth: (null)
[17:06:30.015] write_cover:57 cover fetch: No error
[17:06:36.406] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:06:39.796] main:313
0.2build11 started
[17:06:49.828] main:313
0.2build11 started
[17:31:56.578] main:313
0.2build11 started
[17:32:04.453] main:440 req: browse.json res:
spotify:track:1iRc8gkLLaiUSRFcXBh1Ru par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
[17:32:04.562] log_message:56 log: 15:32:04.562 I [ap:1368] Connecting
to AP A1.spotify.com:4070

[17:32:05.531] log_message:56 log: 15:32:05.531 E [session:728] Not all
tracks cached

[17:32:05.546] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:32:06.546] main:702 queuing track browse
[17:32:06.546] container_loaded:69 playlist container loaded
[17:32:06.625] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:32:06.640] process_track:793 process track
[17:32:06.640] process_track:817 browse track: ok
[17:32:06.750] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:32:06.765] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:32:07.140] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:32:07.203] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:32:07.312] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:32:07.468] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:32:07.734] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:32:07.796] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:32:07.953] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:32:08.453] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:32:08.609] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:32:08.687] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:32:25.656] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:32:25.796] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:38:09.890] main:313
0.2build11 started
[17:38:16.125] main:440 req: browse.json res:
spotify:track:1iRc8gkLLaiUSRFcXBh1Ru par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
[17:38:16.171] log_message:56 log: 15:38:16.171 I [ap:1368] Connecting
to AP A1.spotify.com:4070

[17:38:17.156] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:38:18.171] main:702 queuing track browse
[17:38:18.250] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:38:18.250] process_track:793 process track
[17:38:18.250] process_track:817 browse track: ok
[17:38:18.453] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:38:56.734] container_loaded:69 playlist container loaded
[17:38:57.140] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:38:57.171] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:38:57.359] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:38:57.406] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:38:57.687] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:38:57.765] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:38:58.031] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:38:58.171] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:38:58.218] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:38:58.328] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:38:59.671] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:39:00.484] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:39:04.015] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:39:38.921] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[17:48:16.328] main:1172 idle - logged out (No error)
[00:19:33.328] main:313
0.2build11 started
[00:20:16.375] main:440 req: browse.json res:
spotify:track:1iRc8gkLLaiUSRFcXBh1Ru par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
[00:20:16.453] log_message:56 log: 22:20:16.453 I [ap:1368] Connecting
to AP A2.spotify.com:4070

[00:20:17.500] log_message:56 log: 22:20:17.500 E [session:728] Not all
tracks cached

[00:20:17.515] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[00:20:18.515] main:702 queuing track browse
[00:20:18.515] process_track:793 process track
[00:20:18.515] process_track:817 browse track: ok
[00:20:18.531] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[00:20:18.828] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[00:20:19.640] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[00:22:02.734] container_loaded:69 playlist container loaded
[00:30:17.359] main:1172 idle - logged out (No error)
[01:39:43.062] main:440 req: cover.jpg res:
de522cc27286ac961dc2cbb6e5b8b5b21ec8929d par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0
auth: (null)
[01:39:43.140] log_message:56 log: 23:39:43.140 I [ap:1368] Connecting
to AP A1.spotify.com:4070

[01:39:44.187] log_message:56 log: 23:39:44.187 E [session:728] Not all
tracks cached

[01:39:44.203] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[01:39:45.203] container_loaded:69 playlist container loaded
[01:39:45.203] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[01:39:45.281] metadata_updated:60 new meta
[01:39:45.359] write_cover:57 cover fetch: No error
[01:39:54.250] main:440 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null) prot:
HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
[01:39:54.250] process_status:843 process status

mikanaas's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=39657
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=79706

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