It looks like it should have worked so it is time to get some debug log info. Checking for compatible CD drives only occurs at SBS startup so the procedure has a few steps as follows:
1. In WebUI Settings/advanced/logging check the box " Save logging settings for use at next application restart" 2. Enable startup CDplayer logging by setting plugin.cdplayer to DEBUG in WebUI Settings/advanced/logging and click "Apply" 3. Note the location of the prefs directory from WebUI Settings/Information 4. Stop SBS 5. Delete cdplayer.prefs from the plugin directory which is in the prefs directory. 6. Start SBS 7. Copy cdplayer log entries from server.log into a text file and attach file (zipped if necessary) onto a post. -- bpa ------------------------------------------------------------------------ bpa's Profile: View this thread: _______________________________________________ plugins mailing list