
This question is not really iPeng related, so moderators feel free to
remove it if you think I break any rules posting it under this topic.
The reason for posting it here is that I don't really know where else
to address it, and since it's an issue I get when I use iPeng
(IMPORTANT!: though NOT DUE TO iPeng) I was hoping maybe someone else
has experienced it and has some suggestions for a solution.

OK, my network setup at home looks like this.
1: a modem provided by my ISP.
2: Connected to this I put a wireless router, since my ISP only allows
DHCP...and that's a nightmare with squeezebox (i.e. constantly changing
the ip configurations in the settings. 

So now I have everything at home setup on my 192.x.x.x network (i.e.
the local wireless one) with static ip's assigned to each device,
squeezebox works like a charm, contolling it with iPeng works even
better (faster) than with the Duet controller(!) etc. etc.

So far so good...

BUT, my iPhone loses the internet connection after appx. 10-15 minutes
after I switch it over to the local network. (Still connected to the
network though, iPeng still works fine to control the squeezebox which
of course also is on the local network, but connection to internet is
lost (note that it's not failing from start...works fine for the first
10-15 minutes)! 
Logging off and on the network gives me some more minutes of internet
access before it gets lost again.

My home PC is also on the local network with a static ip - NEVER any
issues with lost internet connectivity.

So this only happens for my iPhone (and the reason it's an issue for me
is that after a while it's quite annoying switching between the local
network and the dhcp network depending on if I need internet access or
squeezebox control...)

Sorry again for posting it here as there is no issues what so ever with
iPeng...the issue is rather preventing me from using iPeng and that's a
bummer worth it's post! ;)

If you have any suggestion, please advice!

BR Bloodfaya

Oh, guess it's information that could be useful:
The router for the local network is a D-Liknk AirPlus Xtreme G

Bloodfaya's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=40095
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=51929

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