I have 4,985 albums with 65,130 songs by 10,059 artists.  For the last
three weeks, using Dynamic Playlists combined with TrackStat and Custom
Skip to give me "Never Played Albums" all night long has given me almost
nothing but Pink Floyd and Shriekback, with a very strong preference for
the most recently added files by either.

I've done a complete rescan and I've deleted obsolete TrackStat
information...tonight I tried "Never Played Albums" and was immediately
presented with Shriekback followed by Pink Floyd.  So I cleared the
playlist and tried again...Shriekback.

I'm a big fan of both bands but...c'mon!  I didn't have this problem
until fairly recently and am wondering if an update to the plugin did
something odd.  Is anyone else seeing anything like this?

For the last couple months, I've been doing a lot of file moving
followed by clear-rescan followed by deleting obsolete TrackStat data. 
I'm guessing that's not normal behavior for most people, but I can't see
how that would be causing my problem...maybe I'm missing something
obvious, though.

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