GoCubs;565745 Wrote: 
> I've gone ahead and posted 5.9.3 
> ...
> -Fixed weather.com parsing. Special thanks to Erland and BoomX2.
> -Should handle HTML ISO 8859-1 characters better.
Hi there!
I updated to 5.9.5 yesterday and 
the ISO 8859-1 is still problematic.
Well, its better, but as you can see at the screenshot (is there any
better way to do a screenshot of a S Classic than using a camera???)
There is still not an ö or ä to see. It should be an ö but it is a
funny  thing...
At least there is no mor ö which I appreciate very much...
and, as you can see: weather.com sends sometimes the string "bewoelkt"
and sometimes the string "bewölkt" which is transforme into the
funny "bewÂTlkt" thing now.

2. The blank-screen problem (for any forecasts farer than tomorrow)
still persists. BUT(!) I found out, that I have the problem only with
one of my Classics (!!! ??? !!!) 
The one in the cellar (a newer one) has no Blank-Screen Problem.
So what may be the difference of them?
Firmware ? No, both running on FW 130.
different strings in the SDT config? No, I checked it out.
To tell the truth - I didnt find any difference, they both support
pixel-grafix and there is nothing diferent, also no difference to be
seen on the label on the backside.. But they are somehow different, for
one has the blank-screen problem and the otherone doesnt. Strange, but
not the Problem of Greg I thing!

3. Still no Amazon.de in your plugin Greg, so I decided to donate via
Paypal today, for we love your SDT very much and it helps me choosing
the right clothes in the morning ;)

|Filename: Leicht bewölkt.jpg                                       |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=10703|


NAS: QNAP TS119 Version 3.2.6 build 0427T (1,2GHz,512MB)
SC Firmware 7.5.1 r8761, SSOTS 4.8, Squeezecenter 7.5.2 r30889
Devices: 3x Boom 2 x Classic 1 x Duett, 1 x Roku Soundbridge
Sunnysekot's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=20990
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=14327

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