Hobgoblin;583127 Wrote: 
> Hi Triode
> Still using this amazing plugin all the time. But just recently I've
> started getting an intermittent problem where I start listening to a
> playlist, plays a few tracks then it gets to the end of a track, then
> stops rather than load the next track. If I press Next on the remote it
> gets going again, so an annoyance rather than a showstopper.
> Last few lines of the log file look like this:
> > 
  >   > [21:08:14.016534] log_message:65 log: 20:08:14.016 I 
[file_streamer_simple.cpp:757] Request for file 
fabf0641b8cd10dddd137243944cb20b734b7946 complete (code: 0)
  > [21:08:52.195901] end_of_track:436 end of track
  > [21:09:02.894443] main:1260 idle - logging out (No error)
  > [21:09:20.350620] main:455 req: stream.flc res: 
spotify:track:30SwaxIveXoVM8fXLYgiWy par: 
player=00%3A04%3A20%3A17%3A91%3A6f&start=0&sync=1&id=353 prot: SPOTSTREAM/1.0 
auth: (null)
  > [21:09:20.350844] main:543 newstream connection from
  > [21:09:20.420401] logged_out:52 logged out
  > [21:09:49.978077] main:1109 new stream pending for over 10 seconds - 
sending error
  > [21:09:49.978193] streambuf_senderrorheader:422 send error
  > [21:09:49.998673] main:455 req: stream.flc res: 
spotify:track:30SwaxIveXoVM8fXLYgiWy par: 
player=00%3A04%3A20%3A17%3A91%3A6f&start=0&sync=1&id=354 prot: SPOTSTREAM/1.0 
auth: (null)
  > [21:09:50.021802] log_message:65 log: 20:09:50.021 I [ap:1368] Connecting 
to AP A2.spotify.com:4070
  > [21:09:51.037955] log_message:65 log: 20:09:51.037 E [session:728] Not all 
tracks cached
  > [21:09:51.040125] metadata_updated:69 new meta
  > [21:09:52.040381] main:543 newstream connection from
  > [21:09:52.040693] container_loaded:78 playlist container loaded
  > [21:09:52.066924] metadata_updated:69 new meta
  > [21:09:54.080288] metadata_updated:69 new meta
  > [21:09:55.087672] metadata_updated:69 new meta
  > [21:09:56.019350] main:325 
 1.0.8 started
  > [21:13:55.400176] main:455 req: cover.jpg res: 
c4e877ea3bb90ddf6de61aa015f154656ff5ed81 par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
  > [21:13:55.411797] log_message:65 log: 20:13:55.411 I [ap:1368] Connecting 
to AP A3.spotify.com:4070
  > [21:13:56.400452] message_to_user:61 user message: <a 
href="https://www.spotify.com/account/share/";>Share Spotify</a> with friends 
and family, they'll love it.
  > [21:13:56.452844] log_message:65 log: 20:13:56.452 E [session:728] Not all 
tracks cached
  > [21:13:56.456314] metadata_updated:69 new meta
  > [21:13:57.488134] container_loaded:78 playlist container loaded
  > [21:13:57.488283] write_cover:57 cover fetch: No error
  > [21:13:57.492118] metadata_updated:69 new meta
  > [21:13:57.492306] main:455 req: cover.jpg res: 
c4e877ea3bb90ddf6de61aa015f154656ff5ed81 par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
  > [21:13:57.498186] write_cover:57 cover fetch: No error
  > [21:14:19.823397] main:455 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null) prot: 
HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
  > [21:14:19.823547] process_status:1027 process status
> > 

I see a possible problem here.  Does your playlist have tracks which
are approximately 10 minutes long in them?  It looks like spotifyd is
in the process of logging out when the next track request arrives and
this stops it logging in again.  I will change the logic for the next
version, but can you confirm whether this may be the case?

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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=79706

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