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Question: Are you interested in IR-over-IP?
- Yes, I'd like to have IRoIP.
- No, I don't care.

indifference_engine;586376 Wrote: 
> can you post your SqueezeIR.xml file please?  It may be that I have
> interpreted the pdf file wrongly, I'll have a closer look at it
> tonight.  In the meantime, try reversing the binary and see what
> happens as some ir codes are sent back-to-front (eg the address
> 01000(=8) becomes 00010(=2)).  Worth a try.
OK, I've looked into your problem even more and you definately will
need to reverse the bit order.  For the commands you append the
extention bits and then reverse the whole lot.
eg DEVICE = 01000 -> 00010 (=2)
POWER_ON  = 100001(11) -> (11)100001 (=225)
POWER_OFF = 010001(11) -> (11)100010 (=226)

If that doesn't work then I'll look into recodeing the program to
permit bits 15 and 16 to be customised as I previously mentioned.

Sorry for giving you the runaround!

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