Mortis;595454 Wrote: 
> I've just installed the spotify plugin, and linked it up to my premium
> account.
> It wont play any files, i get the error "Stream Error (Restarting
> Spotify App)"
> [20:15:19.218] main:450 req: starred.json res:
> spotify:track:0IJjl2dNzs4gw77jfDR7ex par: s=1 prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
> (null)
> [20:15:19.218] main:1041 setting track starred to: 1
> [20:15:19.218] main:450 req: browse.json res:
> spotify:track:0IJjl2dNzs4gw77jfDR7ex par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
> (null)
> [20:15:19.218] main:741 queuing track browse
> [20:15:19.218] process_track:1008 process track
> [20:15:19.218] process_track:1035 browse track: ok
> [20:15:25.156] main:450 req: playlists.json res:
> spotify:user:13068901:playlist:4ytOhaAjy0GVOOwxpu06PJ par: (null) prot:
> HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
> [20:15:25.156] process_singleplaylist:884 process single playlist
> [20:15:26.484] main:450 req: playlists.json res:
> spotify:user:13068901:playlist:4ytOhaAjy0GVOOwxpu06PJ par: (null) prot:
> HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
> [20:15:26.484] process_singleplaylist:884 process single playlist
> [20:15:28.156] main:450 req: playlists.json res:
> spotify:user:13068901:playlist:4ytOhaAjy0GVOOwxpu06PJ par: (null) prot:
> HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
> [20:15:28.156] process_singleplaylist:884 process single playlist
> [20:15:28.171] main:450 req: starred.json res:
> spotify:track:5sra5UY6sD658OabHL3QtI par: s=1 prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
> (null)
> [20:15:28.171] main:1041 setting track starred to: 1
> [20:15:28.171] main:450 req: browse.json res:
> spotify:track:5sra5UY6sD658OabHL3QtI par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
> (null)
> [20:15:28.171] main:741 queuing track browse
> [20:15:28.171] process_track:1008 process track
> [20:15:28.171] process_track:1035 browse track: ok
> [20:15:38.281] main:325
> C:\PROGRA~3\SQUEEZ~1\Cache\INSTAL~1\Plugins\Spotify\Bin\MSWIN3~1\spotifyd.exe
> 1.1.0 started
> [20:20:41.062] main:325
> C:\PROGRA~3\SQUEEZ~1\Cache\INSTAL~1\Plugins\Spotify\Bin\MSWIN3~1\spotifyd.exe
> 1.1.0 started
> [20:20:43.921] main:450 req: browse.json res:
> spotify:track:6UaRii9AH6Zss9xNMEQ2M9 par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
> (null)
> [20:20:44.125] log_message:65 log: 19:20:44.125 I [ap:1387] Connecting
> to AP
> [20:20:44.156] log_message:65 log: 19:20:44.156 I [ap:937] Connected to
> AP:
> [20:20:44.953] log_message:65 log: 19:20:44.953 I [user_cache:136]
> UserCache::initiateGetUsers() will query for 1 users
> [20:20:46.000] main:741 queuing track browse
> [20:20:46.015] metadata_updated:69 new meta
> [20:20:46.375] container_loaded:78 playlist container loaded
> [20:20:46.375] process_track:1008 process track
> [20:20:46.453] process_track:1035 browse track: ok
> [20:20:46.750] metadata_updated:69 new meta
> [20:20:46.750] metadata_updated:69 new meta
> [20:20:46.796] metadata_updated:69 new meta
> [20:20:46.843] metadata_updated:69 new meta
> [20:20:46.859] metadata_updated:69 new meta
> [20:20:47.140] metadata_updated:69 new meta
> [20:20:47.515] metadata_updated:69 new meta
> [20:20:47.984] metadata_updated:69 new meta
> [20:20:48.046] metadata_updated:69 new meta
> [20:22:17.828] main:325
> C:\PROGRA~3\SQUEEZ~1\Cache\INSTAL~1\Plugins\Spotify\Bin\MSWIN3~1\spotifyd.exe
> 1.1.0 started
> [20:26:02.671] main:325
> C:\PROGRA~3\SQUEEZ~1\Cache\INSTAL~1\Plugins\Spotify\Bin\MSWIN3~1\spotifyd.exe
> 1.1.0 started
> [20:27:49.515] main:325
> C:\PROGRA~3\SQUEEZ~1\Cache\INSTAL~1\Plugins\Spotify\Bin\MSWIN3~1\spotifyd.exe
> 1.1.0 started
> [20:28:02.328] main:450 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null) prot:
> HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
> [20:28:02.328] process_status:1069 process status
> [20:28:12.140] main:450 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null) prot:
> HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
> [20:28:12.140] process_status:1069 process status
> [20:28:33.328] main:450 req: toplist.json res: (null) par:
> q=albums&r=NO prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
> [20:28:33.343] log_message:65 log: 19:28:33.343 I [ap:1387] Connecting
> to AP
> [20:28:33.375] log_message:65 log: 19:28:33.375 I [ap:937] Connected to
> AP:
> [20:28:34.328] log_message:65 log: 19:28:34.328 I [user_cache:136]
> UserCache::initiateGetUsers() will query for 1 users
> [20:28:35.328] main:872 toplist type: 1 region: 20047
> [20:28:35.421] toplist_callback:667 toplist: ok
> [20:28:35.468] container_loaded:78 playlist container loaded
> [20:28:35.640] metadata_updated:69 new meta
> [20:28:35.703] metadata_updated:69 new meta
> [20:28:35.718] metadata_updated:69 new meta
> [20:28:35.937] metadata_updated:69 new meta
> [20:28:36.171] main:450 req: cover.jpg res:
> 0df913e5a5f5de6b8ca5a482bf040ab919727e9c par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0
> auth: (null)
> [20:28:36.171] main:450 req: cover.jpg res:
> a65e41c7a770966ef6549097d4153bbe99cefce4 par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0
> auth: (null)
> [20:28:36.187] write_cover:57 cover fetch: No error
> [20:28:36.218] write_cover:57 cover fetch: No error
> [20:28:36.218] metadata_updated:69 new meta
> [20:28:36.312] main:450 req: cover.jpg res:
> 9a7cf6b12a906d7ec46e65032a41be489a412910 par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0
> auth: (null)
> [20:28:36.312] main:450 req: cover.jpg res:
> f6600e4ab48fd52afdb26107445e9b64f0f13354 par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0
> auth: (null)
> [20:28:36.343] write_cover:57 cover fetch: No error
> [20:28:36.375] write_cover:57 cover fetch: No error
> [20:28:36.468] main:450 req: cover.jpg res:
> 164c833ebdccae1fca492f7680c12c621ab01adb par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0
> auth: (null)
> [20:28:36.484] main:450 req: cover.jpg res:
> ec3aa416047356d160dff306fe293c8baceb8078 par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0
> auth: (null)
> [20:28:36.500] write_cover:57 cover fetch: No error
> [20:28:36.515] write_cover:57 cover fetch: No error
> [20:28:36.609] metadata_updated:69 new meta
> [20:28:36.968] metadata_updated:69 new meta
> [20:28:38.093] main:450 req: browse.json res:
> spotify:album:3PogVmhNucYNfyywZvTd7F par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth:
> (null)
> [20:28:38.093] main:717 created album browse
> [20:28:38.109] browse_album_callback:413 browse album: ok
> [20:28:38.109] metadata_updated:69 new meta
> [20:28:47.234] main:325
> C:\PROGRA~3\SQUEEZ~1\Cache\INSTAL~1\Plugins\Spotify\Bin\MSWIN3~1\spotifyd.exe
> 1.1.0 started
> [20:28:52.515] main:325
> C:\PROGRA~3\SQUEEZ~1\Cache\INSTAL~1\Plugins\Spotify\Bin\MSWIN3~1\spotifyd.exe
> 1.1.0 started
> [20:28:57.359] main:325
> C:\PROGRA~3\SQUEEZ~1\Cache\INSTAL~1\Plugins\Spotify\Bin\MSWIN3~1\spotifyd.exe
> 1.1.0 started
> [20:29:00.078] main:450 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null) prot:
> HTTP/1.0 auth: (null)
> [20:29:00.078] process_status:1069 process status
> [20:29:02.421] main:325
> C:\PROGRA~3\SQUEEZ~1\Cache\INSTAL~1\Plugins\Spotify\Bin\MSWIN3~1\spotifyd.exe
> 1.1.0 started
> [20:29:07.640] main:325
> C:\PROGRA~3\SQUEEZ~1\Cache\INSTAL~1\Plugins\Spotify\Bin\MSWIN3~1\spotifyd.exe
> 1.1.0 started
> [20:29:13.015] main:325
> C:\PROGRA~3\SQUEEZ~1\Cache\INSTAL~1\Plugins\Spotify\Bin\MSWIN3~1\spotifyd.exe
> 1.1.0 started
> [20:29:18.109] main:325
> C:\PROGRA~3\SQUEEZ~1\Cache\INSTAL~1\Plugins\Spotify\Bin\MSWIN3~1\spotifyd.exe
> 1.1.0 started
> [20:29:23.296] main:325
> C:\PROGRA~3\SQUEEZ~1\Cache\INSTAL~1\Plugins\Spotify\Bin\MSWIN3~1\spotifyd.exe
> 1.1.0 started
> [20:29:28.359] main:325
> C:\PROGRA~3\SQUEEZ~1\Cache\INSTAL~1\Plugins\Spotify\Bin\MSWIN3~1\spotifyd.exe
> 1.1.0 started
> [20:29:33.406] main:325
> C:\PROGRA~3\SQUEEZ~1\Cache\INSTAL~1\Plugins\Spotify\Bin\MSWIN3~1\spotifyd.exe
> 1.1.0 started
> [20:29:38.484] main:325
> C:\PROGRA~3\SQUEEZ~1\Cache\INSTAL~1\Plugins\Spotify\Bin\MSWIN3~1\spotifyd.exe
> 1.1.0 started
> [20:29:43.546] main:325
> C:\PROGRA~3\SQUEEZ~1\Cache\INSTAL~1\Plugins\Spotify\Bin\MSWIN3~1\spotifyd.exe
> 1.1.0 started
> [20:29:48.734] main:325
> C:\PROGRA~3\SQUEEZ~1\Cache\INSTAL~1\Plugins\Spotify\Bin\MSWIN3~1\spotifyd.exe
> 1.1.0 started
> [20:29:53.875] main:325
> C:\PROGRA~3\SQUEEZ~1\Cache\INSTAL~1\Plugins\Spotify\Bin\MSWIN3~1\spotifyd.exe
> 1.1.0 started
> [20:29:59.234] main:325
> C:\PROGRA~3\SQUEEZ~1\Cache\INSTAL~1\Plugins\Spotify\Bin\MSWIN3~1\spotifyd.exe
> 1.1.0 started
> [20:30:04.296] main:325
> C:\PROGRA~3\SQUEEZ~1\Cache\INSTAL~1\Plugins\Spotify\Bin\MSWIN3~1\spotifyd.exe
> 1.1.0 started
> I hope someone can help me on this one! Greetings from Morten

Please check you don't have a firewall which block the players from
connecting to the application spotifyd.exe - its worth checking the
windows firewall of whatever else you use that spotifyd is allowed to
receive incoming connections.

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