Last night I played a couple albums straight through from my Napster
library. All was well-behaved, with no skipping of tracks or other
symptoms that others are reporting. 

The browse lists in "My Napster" are still limited to the first 50
items (first 50 albums, first 50 artists, etc.). This is especially bad
for the albums, because Napster appears to list compilation albums as
separate albums for each of the artists. So the 2-3 compilation albums
that occur near the top of my alphabetically-sorted album list take up
almost all of the 50 album slots that are currently available. 

This less-than-helpful handling of compilation albums isn't limited to
the implementation on SBs, because it's just the same on Napster's own
web interface. Otoh it's a relief to have browsing by album at all in
the Napster library, because that wasn't available in the old

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