MrSinatra;602338 Wrote: 
> ok, so let me get this straight...
> you want to know if you can use whitebear, or if it can easily
> modified, to work with itunes (for windows, since whitebear is windows
> only) instead of SBS, and use some closed, proprietary apple protocol
> instead of DLNA?
> is that right?  if it could do all that along with what it does already
> than i married the wrong girl.

Ha. Sort of. I do not think it can be easily modified, nor do I expect
it to, as it's not on Andrew's list of things to do for Whitebear, but
my ideal situation would be this:

To use my Squeezeboxes with iTunes.

See the attached image — this is what you get with iTunes when there
are AirPlay devices like AirPort Expresses on the network, you can
select them as output devices just like choosing a DLNA/UPnP renderer
in whatever DLNA/UPnP control point you like to use. Except it's not
DLNA/UPnP, it's AirPlay, hence my Squeezeboxes (or any other DLNA/UPnP
render) do not appear in this list in iTunes. I would like them to. Or,
more to the point, my girlfriend would like them to. The
best/easiest/analogous way to do this, I asked/suggested, is for
Whitebear to implement the AirPlay protocol and expose the Squeezeboxes
as AirPlay speakers (actually the -best- way to do this is for Apple to
implement DLNA/UPnP in iTunes, but I think we know that's not going to
happen). The fact that this involves a 'closed, proprietary Apple
protocol' is something the iTunes user doesn't really care about...

Now, as you say, if Whitebear did this along with what it already does,
it would indeed be a massive pile of Awesomeness!

|Filename: 142212-speaker-menu_original.jpg                         |

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