It sounds like the logging level is -1 or zero.  You can add "-v", "-vv"
, "-vvv" to the command line to increase logging level. I usded to
prefer changing the default logging level as then I do not need to edit
conf files and restart SBS.

>From a command line - you could also try the "--extraintf logger" to
get an extra interface logger which is separate from GUI.

The default file logging level can be changed by starting VLC GUI. Then
from menu Tools- Preferences->Show
Settings-All->Advanced->Logging->Verbosity. Change it to 1 or 2 and
then "Save".  Now all future file logging will use this level of
verbosity.  I think 3 had Debug messages.

Regarding the message "libdvbpsi error <psi decoder>: TS discontinuity
<recieved 7, expected 0> for PID 18".  

PID is the process ID so this will change each time a process is

The messages relate to the data stream from the DVB interface.  Each
packet is given a sequence number (not sure about DVB but usually it is
a  small number say 0->7 or 0->128 which restarts at zero when max value
is reached) and library which reads the packets from the DVB interfaces,
checks these number are in sequence.  The messages indicate the some
packets have been lost - for example the "received 7, expected 0" means
vlc got a number no. 7 but the expected packet was no. 0 so perhaps
packet no 7. was repeated or a groups of packets have been lost.

I don't know DVB technical details so I am guessing the following.
Assuming no error in libdvbpsi then the error is either
1. VLC is too slow reading data from DVB and has missed packets.
2. The DVB driver is losing packets
3. You have a bad DVB signal and packet are being lost.

You should check that DVB driver is up to date - go onto Hauppauge site
and compare runnign version against latest one.

If VLC is slow (possible memory shortage) - check with process explorer
CPU and memory usage.

While VLC 1.1.7 is latest release - there are beta version of VLC 1.2.0
available to test where some bugs have been fixed.

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