Hi there
The Multi-Library feature is great since I have nearly 1 TB now of
Music / Audio Books etc.

I've split all this up into several libraries -- works a treat --
however using the Custom browse I can only get a Browse by ALBUM at the
highest level.

I'd love to be able to browse the FOLDER (or DIRECTORY) that the
library is in.

The standard Music Folder just browses the Primary (or original) Music

For example I have folders d:\music31 e:\music2 f:\music1

When originally setting up Squezebox all my music was in f:\music1

I've created separae libraries in d:\music1 and e:\music2

Now while I can browse the albums I can't browse the directories
themselves  apart from f:\music1 which was the library I originally set
up squeezeserver with.

I'm going to be switching soon to network drives so I hope the library
feature will work with for example\\server1\music1 or

But in any case is there any way to browse the actual directories
rather than just by Album / artist / genre etc  since this requires the
music to have been tagged correctly --- not always possible.

Anyway I appreciate the plugin -- HUGELY better than having everything
in ONE library.


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