erland;643583 Wrote: 
> Do you have "Automatically detect changes" enabled in "SBS
> Settings/Advanced/Performance" ?
> If so, that's probably the issue, I can't enable automatic rescan of
> Custom Scan if "Automatically detect changes" is enabled because it
> will cause huge performance problem since the "Automatically detect
> changes" isn't reliable, it will trigger too often so you might end up
> with a continuously running Custom Scan process which is very bad for
> both the functionality and performance of the system.
> If the above isn't the cause, is the "Automatic rescan" option under
> "SBS Settings/Advanced/Custom Scan/Various Settings" enabled ?
> If it is, could you try looking in the server.log to see if you see
> some error or other information in the log. You could enable "debug"
> logging on "plugin.customscan" in SBS Settings/Advanced/Logging to make
> sure you get some more log information.

Ah - I understand.
Yes - I have "Automatically detect changes" enabled.
I thought this option would simply replace my use of the Autorescan
A bit more explanation:
To update ratings I update them in windows explorer which used to
trigger a scan, followed by a custom scan and voila, my song/album
would be rated.
I will have to think about how I can achieve this now.

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