erland;647263 Wrote: 
> Just to make sure I understand what you like to do:
> 1. iPeng will play the remote url in SBS
> 2. The user will select the track in current playlist, open context
> menu and select the "Download and add to library" item provided by the
> plugin
> 3. The plugin will in the background download the file and put it in
> the "Downloaded music folder" and make sure it's scanned into SBS
> library.
Yes. Plus
4. iPeng has a "play URL" menu that comes up in various places. Would
be nice to be able to send a "download to music library" command for
that one, too.
> One question that comes to mind is where to store the downloaded file.
> Some people (like myself) try to keep the music folder read-only and
> other people tend to completely delete the cache now and then. Maybe
> the plugin should have a configuration where you can specify a
> "Downloaded music folder" ?
Yes. That's what I would do.
I would have it point at say "[MUSICFOLDER]/DownloadedTracks" by
default and make that configurable.
> The next question is if we need to store the files in some kind of
> structure or if it's enough to just store them in all directly in the
> "Downloaded music folder" ?
If one is being nice... When it's in NowPlaying you often already know
artist and album name so you could put it in
"[MUSICFOLDER]/DownloadedTracks/[ARTIST]/[ALBUM]/[Filename]" or
"[MUSICFOLDER]/DownloadedTracks/Unknown Artist/[ALBUM]/[Filename]" if
you only know the Album or in
"[MUSICFOLDER]/DownloadedTracks/[ARTIST]/[Filename]" is you only know
the artist.
> And the third question is what SBS version it would have to be
> supported in, is it enough if 7.6 is supported
Definitely. Don't bother about 7.5.x, 7.6 is not as bad as people are
making it here.
> And the forth question, is if there is a way to detect if it's a
> streaming source or a file possible to download, so we can make sure to
> only show this new context menu on files that can actually be
> downloaded.
Now THAT is a good one. I have no idea. Somethign called ".mp3" could
be a streaming source as well, couldn't it?
The server HAS to know somewhere, doesn't it? I mean: loading a stream
is something else than loading a file over http, isn't it?
> I wonder if it would be worth to make it also support some kind of
> temporary music folder as some people had a need for when the new
> schema was discussed ? Feels a bit related...
Hm. A bit too complicated for the start if you ask me...


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