Triode;648630 Wrote: 
> Sounds like these issues at the BBC end (or they have decided to stop
> supporting some services outside the UK).  
> I am not sure there is anything I can easily do about this - the only
> possible think would be to allow the BBC Radio applet select the
> Flash/AAC streams separately from the Native AAC streams.  Would this
> be useful? (it will make the user interface more complex.)  
> I've also noticed a problem with the BBC Radio applet in 7.6 which is
> now placed in the My Apps menu - the problem being that if there are
> not other apps installed then it does not show up in the menus.  I've
> not worked out a way round this so wanted to poll to see if people
> would prefer it appears in the Internet Radio menu if there are no
> other Apps installed.

I've been having all of the symptoms reported above to varying degrees
this week and live in the UK.  The Northern bit that isn't on fire.


"O wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!
It wad frae monie a blunder free us,
An' foolish notion."
-Robert Burns-
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