Mnyb;656761 Wrote: 
> what i've been reeding your wiki and wondering is what is required of
> the end user the use this system to best effect.
> For example tagging, mine is very basic and rudimentary, would SMD work
> better if I had all these suggested mood or style tags and if had
> "Musicbrains tags". where does the style and mood tags come from. BTW i
> have never undestood what Musicbrains and picard do, it add some strange
> tags, but is there any music playback software that actually use them
> for something ?
The idea is that the SMD database will be persistent so tags are just
one source of information, we will also be able to retrieve information
from online sources. Musicbrainz id tags is going to help as it's going
to make it easier to retrieve information from Musicbrainz and other
online services linked from Musicbrainz. However, we have some plans to
try to use 'Acoustid' ( which will allow us to
automatically detect musicbrainz identities based on the actual music.

If you want mood/style information from you are probably
going to have to import it from tags as scraping their(
web site is illegal and not something we want to do within the SMD
project and their licensing fees isn't realistic for small businesses
and even less for community projects. Possibly a third party plugin to
SMD might be able to do it but it won't be core SMD functionality
except for importing it from tags. If anyone knows a more open service
for mood or style information, we will be happy to consider integrating
with that.

However, the main idea with SMD is that you are maintaining a
persistent database, even though there currently is possible to drop
the database and rescan everything this is something no one is going to
do later on. So you you prefer to add your own style/mood information
that will be possible to do through the SMD user interface.

Mnyb;656761 Wrote: 
> I keept my tags simple because there are no solid standards, I realy
> don't want to commit to a lot of work to adapt the tagging towards a
> particular player, I can change that atitude if it's reallly worth the
> effort.
> i'm planning to work over my tags once more to consolidate genres to
> something usefull I have 210 genres ?
The only thing that might be worth doing from a SMD perspective would
be to add musicbrains identity tags, everything else is better to
import directly from the online sources instead of going through the
intermediate tag storage.

Mnyb;656761 Wrote: 
> Or what about populating the dB with this extra information from all
> the mentioned sources, without touching the file tags. You hint at that
> as a solution I would love that :) 
That's exactly our idea. You shouldn't have to put things in tags just
because you want to use it in SMD, SMD will import it directly from the
original source or use the information you have manually entered through
the SMD user interface (RCP Client).

Some people think tags is the optimal storage just because it's the
only way to get information into the SBS database but this is something
we like to change with SMD. 

We have started to look at importers a little bit and so far we have
done some experiments with LastFM to retrieve artist images.

Mnyb;656761 Wrote: 
> i saw the screenshots of the propesed RCP client , this looks likenwhat
> I need :)
> this writes to the SMD database, can some parts be exported back to the
> tags If i chache the spelling of an artist or any other thing thats is
> in an pre existing tag, I would like the possibility
The main idea is that you will edit the SMD data through the SMD user
interface, the RCP Client is one way to do it but if everything goes as
I hope we will also have native clients for Android/iOS tablets to do
similar things. Changing an incorrectly spelled artist should be as
simple as open the SMD user interface and change the spelling, no need
to import and rescan anything. The same is also true if you want to
change a genre classification or want to add a release or recording
year to some music.

Some people are going to want to have the correct information in tags
and for this we have discussed to have some kind of export of SMD
information to tags. One attractive alternative we have discussed is to
do some kind of integration with the puddletag tagging tool so we export
information from SMD and the well tested puddletag tool will do the
actually writing to the music files.

Mnyb;656761 Wrote: 
> i do have spotify and facebook would this somehow be integrated ? i
> have a free account can this used to some effect.
We have some simple implementation with Spotify where it's possible to
open the context menu for an artist in your library and search for
additional albums on Spotify by the same artist and import these into
the SMD library. Facebook will definitely be of interest when we get to
the social part but we haven't reach that part yet.

Mnyb;656761 Wrote: 
> the RCP client ? Does it run on the server or is it suposed to run on
> your laptop/destop ?
The RCP client runs on your desktop/laptop and communicates with the
SMD server currently using port 9998. You currently have to install the
RCP client manually on the laptop and configure it with the server host
name/IP address.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (
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