A Suggestion:

How about if a track is queued without art FindCoverArt Plugin finds it
automagically and saves the first one it finds?

Use it - don't use it. 



bpa;314994 Wrote: 
> The FindArt plugin provides a simple way to find and save cover art
> from within SC. 
> It is not intended to provide the bulk loading of cover art.  It is
> intended for small collections, fill in missing art or correction of
> existing cover art.  It only works from the SC Web interface.  The user
> interface is a bit clunky as I didn't want to write code to do album
> browsing. This is a beta release as plugin needs more testing with
> different browsers, networked drive configurations and various
> character sets. 
> The FindArt plugin searches Amazon for cover art based on the Album
> name of the playing song. The user can save selected cover art either
> in the album folder or in a designated folder.  The plugin does not
> handle SC's advanced cover art naming possibilities just standard
> cover.jpg, folder.jpg etc..  If trying to save art into album folder
> make sure SC process has permissions to do so.
> Install the plugin by unzipping into the Plugins directory appropriate
> for your installation - lookup Wiki.  After installation restart SC and
> there should be a "Find cover art" extry in the Extras menu.
> To install in SqueezeCenter 7.3 and later see 
> http://forums.slimdevices.com/showpost.php?p=373902&postcount=14
> To use - play a song from an album.  Go back to "home" and select the
> "Find cover art" from Extras. The LHS panel of WebUI should display
> current cover art and first cover art from search of Amazon. A max of
> 10 covers are retrieved from Amazon -  use Next & Prev to go through
> the matches. The Amazon ASIN number is linked to Amazon detailed info
> page - useful to check album details.
> There are a number of settings which affects where cover art is saved
> and also how Amazon search is performed.  The following is a brief
> description of the settings and their use.
> "Do a database scan after save" - if checked then after a cover image
> is saved into an album folder, a database scan will be performed of
> album folder. After the save and scan to actually see the update cover
> images will depend on the browser but you generally need to reload the
> page     Embedded art may take precedence - I don't know as I never
> tested. 
> "Replace current folder art" - If saving art into an album folder - the
> plugin will rename the current covert art image (adding a digit to end).
> This means new cover art file should be the file that is used.
> "Save art in special folder" - cover art will be save in the designated
> folder ("directory name for cover art" setting) and not in album folder
> (so previous scan and replace options are ignored).  The saved file
> name will include the album name and artist name   This is useful if SC
> cannot write into album folders - user can subsequently move saved art
> into album folder and then initiate a database scan. Select this
> settings if all tracks are in the same folder/directory.
> "Cover art name" filename to be used when saving in album folder.
> "Select Amazon locale" - the Amazon locale to be used for searches. The
> search results will depend on the locale as some albums may not be on
> sale in some countries and cover art can vary by country. 
> "Select search type" Choose between Title search or Keywords search.  A
> keyword search just uses words of album title that exceed min length
> setting. Keyword search is useful sometimes when album name entered in
> SC is somehow different from Amazon title.

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