Furry;670069 Wrote: 
> I'm still on 7.5.5, as I couldn't even get 7.6.x to run (although I
> recently upgraded to r8191, like you, and haven't tried 7.6.x with
> that).

I eventually opted to reinstall FreeNAS 

I started with 0.7.2 r5543  (for which I have a burned CD to hand,
dating from the Security Alert release) and then did a firmware update
straight to r8181.

But then, when I tried to copy my music files from back up to my new
FreeNAS share, it would be ok for a while and then fail - with various
errors from FreeNAS (eg, SOFT UPDATE INCONSISTENCY), and FreeNAS often
rebooting itself.

Anyway, to cut to the chase, I currently have FreeNAS problems, rather
than any SlimNAS ones, so need to get those sorted first.

Thanks to both Furry and Michael for their replies :-)



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