>> - use images by recency, showing latest uploades first
> There are two sorting options available in the LastFM api, by
> popularity and by date added, currently I'm just using the default
> which is "by popularity". I haven't tried how it would look like with
> date added, I guess it will create more variation but possibly images
> with a bit less quality.

Less quality as in "less pixels" or "not that interesting image"? In the  
case of Sting I'd rather think that older pictures got more votes over  
time, thus rank higher in popularity. But most of them are rather old,  
dating back from the 90s & even 80s.

> Currently it picks the default list length which is 50 images and
> removes any low resolution images from the list, the removal logic is
> dependent on the size of the image on the tablet display, so it will be
> different in horizontal and vertical mode and it will be different
> depending on the resolution of the tablet. So different devices will
> show different amount of images.

Ok, that makes sense.

> Do you have any idea approximately how many images it showed for Sting
> on your device ?

 From browsing through the pictures on last.fm I would have said less than  
two of those pages - which would be less than 50. Which in turn is  
confirmed by you stating you grabbed 50 items. I think it should be ok to  
grab more than this, as you don't do repeated requests, do you?

> I've also thought about showing the images in random order, currently
> they are showed in exactly the same order as returned from LastFM but
> it's random which image it starts with when a new artist is shown.

But I'd only shuffle once, at the beginning of the cycle. Good idea.

>> show the album art every now and then
> Would it be enough to always show it immediately after track change or
> would you also like it to be showed now and then during the track is
> played ?

I'd prefer it like every 10th image. But that's me.

BTW: this morning I had one of those "clean up your tags" images while  
listening to some radio station. Do you have any means to track the images  
in order to build up a black list of URLs? I know that sometimes last.fm  
would return 1x1 pixel images too. Over time I've started to create a list  
of images I want to ignore in my plugin. Not very efficient, obviously.  
But it's improving over time. Let me know if you'd be interested in  
sharing this list.


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