sander;696376 Wrote: 
> So my questions are:
> Is MusicIP 1.9 beta 6 as stable as 1.8 under Linux? I'm especially
> interested in the watched folders and other tweaks you can set in the
> GUI carrying over without using a ton of CPU.

1.9b6 is very stable I dont have any issues with it under Win7 library
size 17k tracks.

sander;696376 Wrote: 
> Do I have the leave the GUI running to get the watched folders and
> other features functional?
I believe you need to leave the GUI open for watched folders.  Just use
Watch Folders scan on statup which will scan when you open the GUI.
(File -> Preferences -> Watch Folders) scan on startup.  It still finds
new files quicker than LMS :s   What do you mean by other features?

sander;696376 Wrote: 
> Has anyone had any trouble validating tracks lately? I'm not sure if
> its the AMS host or what, but my mixable count is barely budging as I
> add more tracks lately.

Not that I've noticed, seems ok.

cparker - ** Spicefly SugarCube V4 Released ** - A hassle free
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MIP the Windows Automated MusicIP Headless Installer.
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