erland wrote: 
> Just to be sure, did you went for the restore operation to finish ?
> It runs in the background if you trigger it from the TrackStat settings
> page and you can only see if it's finished by logging in the server log
> for a message saying: "Restore completed at <date and time>". If you
> triggered the restore from Custom Scan, you should be able to see if
> it's finished based on the status in the Custom Scan settings page where
> all scan/export/import modules are shown.
I did wait for the restore operation to finish. Just to simplify things
I uninstalled Custom Scan and nearly every other plugin for now.
Although it was probably unnecessary, I figure that having a
configuration that is as simple as possible with help determine where
the issue is. 

erland wrote: 
> Do you see rating stars in the Song Info page (these comes from
> TrackStat) or do you only see a number (which comes from standard
> SBS/LMS tables)?
> If you haven't done so already, look at a section of the log for the
> TrackStat restore operation and look for a specific track and check if
> the rating of that tracks is shown with correct number of stars in the
> "Song Info" page.

Here is the section of the TrackStat log for a specific track and what
it looks like on the "Song Info" page:

"TrackStat/server Log" wrote: 
> [12-04-25 11:42:20.4311] Plugins::TrackStat::Storage::findTrack (533)
> findTrack(): URL:
> file:///Volumes/MediaFiles/alac_mp3/alac/lief/The%20Sisters%20Of%20Mercy/Floodland/1987%20%C2%AC%201-1%20%C2%AC%20Dominionmother%20Russia.m4a
> [12-04-25 11:42:20.4314] Plugins::TrackStat::Storage::findTrack (534)
> findTrack(): mbId: b8bb131f-5428-4067-bb96-31412c9a48d0
> [12-04-25 11:42:20.4322] Plugins::TrackStat::Storage::saveTrack (1039)
> Saving play count, last played and added time in storage: 1, 1325189815,
> 1323722693
> [12-04-25 11:42:20.4333] Plugins::TrackStat::Storage::findTrack (533)
> findTrack(): URL:
> file:///Volumes/MediaFiles/alac_mp3/alac/lief/The%20Sisters%20Of%20Mercy/Floodland/1987%20%C2%AC%201-1%20%C2%AC%20Dominionmother%20Russia.m4a
> [12-04-25 11:42:20.4336] Plugins::TrackStat::Storage::findTrack (534)
> findTrack(): mbId: b8bb131f-5428-4067-bb96-31412c9a48d0
> [12-04-25 11:42:20.4344] Plugins::TrackStat::Storage::saveTrack (1079)
> Store rating: 90


erland wrote: 
> It could be that the issue is cased of these duplicated musicbrainz
> identities, but I want to be sure before we assume that.

Although it would be a bit of a hassle, if you need me to delete the
musicbrainz IDs from my files, I will. I have already tried restoring
from a TrackStat backup file where I removed the musicbrainz IDs, but
that didn't help either.
To me, my thousands of ratings are more important that the musicbrainz
IDs. And if the musicbrainz IDs are indeed the culprit, why do some of
my files (some, but not all, of the mp3s) get their ratings restored
while others (m4as and some mp3s) don't? <<< Mostly a rhetorical
question and one that doesn't require an answer.

I hope this info helps. What next?

|Filename: song_info.png                                            |

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