erland wrote: 
> Can you post or send me:
> 3. Your customscan.prefs file (you will find them in the "plugin" folder
> inside the "Preference Folder", you can find it's location in the
> SBS/LMS Settings/Information page in the web interface)
> The problem could be related to using small/large letters inconsistently
> in the configuration, but it can also be something else, but I think the
> fastest way to solve it would be if you send/post the above files so I
> can take a look at them.

customscan.prefs found in C:\ProgramData\Squeezebox\prefs\plugin (a
hidden folder) contains

_ts_auto_rescan: 1335317163
_ts_long_urls: 1335317163
_ts_module_customtag_active: 1335593888
_ts_module_customtag_enabled: 1335593888
_ts_module_mixedtag_active: 1335594068
_ts_module_mixedtag_enabled: 1335594068
_ts_module_mixedtag_order: 1335594068
_ts_properties: 1335594068
_ts_refresh_rescan: 1335317164
_ts_refresh_startup: 1335317164
_ts_rescan_refresh: 1335317163
_ts_showmessages: 1335317164
_ts_startup_refresh: 1335317163
_ts_titleformats: 1335317163
_version: 1
auto_rescan: 1
long_urls: 1
module_customtag_active: 1
module_customtag_enabled: 1
module_mixedtag_active: 1
module_mixedtag_enabled: 1
module_mixedtag_order: '60'
customsorttags: 'WORK=WORKSORT '
customtagrawmp3tags: 0
customtagsmapping: ''
lastfmpicturedir: ''
lastfmsimilarartistpercent: 80
lastfmtagspercent: 10
lastfmtimeout: 15
mixedtagalbumartisttags: ARTIST,ALBUMARTIST
mixedtagalbumtags: ALBUM
mixedtagartisttags: ARTIST
mixedtagbandtags: BAND,ARTIST
mixedtagcomposertags: COMPOSER
mixedtagconductortags: CONDUCTOR,ARTIST
mixedtagcustomtags: '1'
mixedtagexcludedcustomtags: ''
Artist:Track Artists),ALBUMARTIST(Album Artist:Album Artists) '
mixedtaggenretags: GENRE
mixedtagtrackartisttags: TRACKARTIST
mixedtagyeartags: YEAR
ratingtag: RATING
ratingtagmax: 100
singlecustomtags: ORIGIN
writeratingtag: 1
refresh_rescan: 1
refresh_startup: 1
rescan_refresh: 1
showmessages: 0
startup_refresh: 1
titleformats: []

How can this file location be re-directed to elsewhere for easy finding
and backup?

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