erland wrote: 
> Ok, the / character is definitely the issue because it doesn't exist in
> the TrackStat files and this track doesn't seem to have any musicbrainz
> id in the tracks table and due to this the TrackStat backup isn't able
> to restore the rating. Do you know if there is a reason why the
> musicbrainz data is missing ? 

To be honest, I don't know. It's possible that this file hasn't yet
gotten a musicbrainz ID. Well I just ran this query and it returned
thousands of tracks, none of which have a musicbrainz ID.

    select * from tracks where url like '%.m4a'

Then I ran the same query but for '%.mp3'.

None of the m4a files have musicbrainz IDs and only 1955 mp3 tracks have
musicbrainz IDs, which matches pretty closely to the ~2200 mp3 tracks
that have a rating after a TrackStat restore.

erland wrote: 
> Have you removed it from this track or does the TrackStat backup (which
> have a musicbrainz id) refer to another music file ?

This has been a complicated thread to follow, but here's a quick recap
of what I have done.

1. I had .flac files with musicbrainz IDs (well, not all of them, but
the vast majority).
2. Using XLD on a Mac I converted .flac to Apple Lossless (.m4a).

My guess is that in the process of conversion I lost the musicbrainz

erland wrote: 
> I'll try in my own setup if I can reproduce the issue, but before I do
> that, could you have renamed this file and added the / characters since
> the rating was last changed in TrackStat ?
> Does the other tracks which have problems also have a / character in the
> file name ?

I really think the '/' issue is a 'red herring'
( and you shouldn't
chase it right now. It may be an issue, but I suspect it's a minor one.

Since most of my music files have lost their musicbrainz ID, let me
spend a day or two getting the musicbrainz IDs back into my files. After
they're back, I'll run the TrackStat restore again and report back.

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