mherger wrote: 
> > I have noticed before that when retrieving track data sometimes the
> > "streamable" argument is not the same as when you do a sign call with
> > authorization token (like track/getFileUrl).
> I don't know how venturous you guys are, but I have a modified version
> of  
> 1.81 available which should handle samples etc. better. In line with the
> response I got from Qobuz ("This is really not optimal right now, but we
> will change this soon. Right now, you probably should disregard the  
> streamable booleans value." - see  
> for details...) this build no longer filters out tracks based on the  
> streamable property, but tries to play whatever stream it receives. In 
> some cases this would be the 60s/MP3 sample only.
> I didn't release this just yet, as I'd like to get some more feedback.
> If  
> you feel like replacing a few files manually, please download 1.81a and 
> store it wherever your 1.81 is stored.
> -- 
> Michael

2 remarks : 
- I was wondering if the 3 sub menus under search is optimal... as
searching an album with an artist name works... why searching just an
It's one more menu level, but if users (I'm not!) found this useful, let
as it is.

- Samples / 60s mp3 : I would let it play anyway, and just display a
warning (in front of track title like '!!!sample_only') ...

Last week-end I was at a friend, who own a squeezebox radio. I didn't
understand that it was working without directly with
without server. 
For this typical case, I was wondering if a raspberry pi, + raspbian was
not the perfect solution : no need of storage, low power consumption,
quite cheap....

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