Patricia P wrote: 
> That worked. My back up provided the 1.4.5 version and I installed it
> with iTunes with a right click.
> It never occurred to me to check my backups.

Good to hear that worked out for you! Keep it in a safe place, like
garym said!

JohnB wrote: 
> Just one thing though - when I use the search option it limits the
> number of albums displayed to 50. For many people this won't pose any
> problem but for those, like me, with large classical collections it is
> really frustrating. Can this limit either be removed or *greatly*
> increased, please?

No, it can't, sorry, please use Globalsearch instead.
The problem is that the server's search performance is _really_ bad and
on slow systems the search even in it's current form has the potential
to bring down the server, interrupt music and hit overall system
performance a lot. Increasing the number of items searched for even
further will not be acceptable for a lot of NAS users..

If you want to find more albums, it might be more practical anyway to
use the "Globalsearch", it's also much faster since it only searches for
a single category (here: albums).
You can switch to Globalsearch with the "globe" icon next to the search
entry field. If the icon is enable, then that's what you use. 
You enter the search term and pressing "Search" gets you to a menu. The
first entry in there is "My Music" and here you can then select
"Albums". It will output _all_ albums, not just 50.

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