Roland0 wrote: 
> Depends on what you mean by that - it has been tested on my NAS, which
> is running Gentoo Linux. It hasn't been tested on any specialized NAS
> distribution/package based on Linux, since I don't have access to those.
> If there are issues with the plugin on those, I have to rely on bug
> reports including either the cause of the error, or at least the
> specific error message from the LMS server log file (if it is a plugin
> issue e.g. it fails to load in the first place), or from the browser's
> javascript console or the GUI (if it is a frontend issue).

I understand.... does this log make any sense to you:

0019: ; fh=Slim::Networking::Async::Socket::HTTP=GLOB(0x4aefd80)
0018: [13-03-04 22:15:14.3111] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__
(147) Error: Select task failed calling
Slim::Networking::Async::HTTP::_http_read_body: Can't call method "url"
on an undefined value at
line 979.
0017: [13-03-04 20:30:22.4023] Slim::Web::JSONRPC::requestMethod (443)
request not dispatchable!
0016: [13-03-04 20:30:15.7303] Slim::Utils::PluginManager::load (295)
Error: Couldn't load Plugins::LMSnewGUI::Plugin
0014: BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at (eval 967) line 2.
0013: Compilation failed in require at (eval 967) line 2.
0012: BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
line 18.
0011: Perl v5.10.1 required--this is only v5.10.0, stopped at
line 18.
0010: [13-03-04 20:30:15.7234] Slim::bootstrap::tryModuleLoad (285)
Warning: Module [Plugins::LMSnewGUI::Plugin] failed to load:
0009: [13-03-04 20:29:58.6088] main::init (354) Starting Logitech Media
Server (v7.7.2, r33893, Wed Mar 14 06:37:22 MDT 2012) perl 5.010000
0008: [13-03-04 20:18:47     ] ssctrl Setting nice level to +0
0007: [13-03-04 20:18:46     ] ssctrl SqueezeboxServer started.
0006: [13-03-04 20:18:46.6395] main::init (354) Starting Logitech Media
Server (v7.7.2, r33893, Wed Mar 14 06:37:22 MDT 2012) perl 5.010000
0005: [13-03-04 20:18:46.6410] main::init (354) Starting Logitech Media
Server (v7.7.2, r33893, Wed Mar 14 06:37:22 MDT 2012) perl 5.010000
0004: [13-03-04 20:18:35     ] ssctrl Command line =
/opt/ssods4/var/home/SqueezeboxServer/  --daemon --pidfile
/opt/ssods4/var/home/SqueezeboxServer/Cache/ --cachedir
/opt/ssods4/var/home/SqueezeboxServer/Cache --logdir
/opt/ssods4/var/home/SqueezeboxServer/Logs --prefsdir
/opt/ssods4/var/home/SqueezeboxServer/Prefs --noupnp --priority 0 --user
ssods --group ssods --httpport 9001 
0003: [13-03-04 20:18:35     ] ssctrl Patching
0002: [13-03-04 20:18:34     ] ssctrl Using system mysqld:
0001: [13-03-04 20:18:34     ] ssctrl Starting SqueezeboxServer

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