Well I found the API.pm in that directory and the only parameter that
has a "500" limit is this one: "use constant USERDATA_LIMIT => 500;", so
I changed it to '2000' (I have 1680 favorites in QB ;)) but after saving
the modified file, and getting back to the Squeezebox, there doesn't
seem to be any change, it still sticks to the latest 500 favorites, on
the device itself, but also in Squeezepad, in IPeng...

Maybe it's still pulling content from the cache (though I thought cache for user data is pretty short lived). Try removing the qobuz.db from the cache folder and try again.

So, I thought that maybe this limit problem is not only related to your
plugin? Maybe QB restricts the number of favorites on anything but their
own official apps? or I may be doing something wrong?

I'll have to double check what the maximum number per request is. We might be topping out there.

They do provide methods to "page" through large sets of data (eg. pulling in favorites in chunks of 500s, until all your 1680 are downloaded). But there's no code in place to do paging.

Once the API.pm is modified and saved, is there something else to do to
actually implement the modification, like rebooting the SB or anything?
(I already restarted LMS on my PC, maybe that's not enough?)

Re-starting LMS should be good enough. I'll double check once I find some time.


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