I've used WaveInput frequently, and for years, without ever having a
problem until now.  Looking at my Controller, or at the Web interface,
and at the Server Settings everything looks fine, e.g. the time counter
is working.  However, looking at my players (2 Transporters) the time
counter is stuck at 0:00

I've uninstalled and reinstalled the app, and rebooted everything, all
without success.

Looking at the server log, I'm seeing the following error, with these
two "GLOB" values, repeating over and over.  I don't know how to deal
with this, however, or if it's relevant.

[14-03-19 17:35:57.0038] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (147)
Error: Select task failed calling
Slim::Web::HTTP::sendStreamingResponse: illegal file descriptor or
filehandle (either no attached file descriptor or illegal value):  at
line 150.
; fh=Slim::Web::HTTP::ClientConn=GLOB(0x7b9b824)
[14-03-19 17:35:57.0044] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (147)
Error: Select task failed calling
Slim::Web::HTTP::sendStreamingResponse: illegal file descriptor or
filehandle (either no attached file descriptor or illegal value):  at
line 150.
; fh=Slim::Web::HTTP::ClientConn=GLOB(0x80d7904) 

I've made no changes to my network, computer, or to LMS recently.  It's
just stopped working.

The plugin is vital to my listening habits, so I'll wipe out everything,
and start from scratch if I have to, but of course I'd rather not!

LMS 7.7.3, Vista here.


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