Dear Triode, I am using your plugin for the first time. The server version is 7.8.0 on a Windows 8.1 machine with plugin version 2.3.3. Following the advice I in another thread I tried uninstalling and re-installing, but I always get the following error from the self-test:
15751 The log file has the following output after setting it to debug level. Code: -------------------- [09:41:57.854] main:428 C:\PROGRA~3\SQUEEZ~1\Cache\INSTAL~1\Plugins\Spotify\Bin\MSWIN3~1\spotifyd.exe 2.3.3 started ( libspotify: 12.1.51.g86c92b43 Release win32 ) [09:42:11.004] main:599 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: (null) [09:42:11.005] process_status:1451 process status [09:42:25.500] main:599 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: (null) [09:42:25.500] process_status:1451 process status [09:43:56.433] main:428 C:\PROGRA~3\SQUEEZ~1\Cache\INSTAL~1\Plugins\Spotify\Bin\MSWIN3~1\spotifyd.exe 2.3.3 started ( libspotify: 12.1.51.g86c92b43 Release win32 ) [09:43:56.436] log_message:81 log: 08:43:56.436 I [c:/Users/spotify-buildagent/BuildAgent/work/1e0ce8a77adfb2dc/client/core/session/offline_authorizer.cpp:297] Unable to login offline: no such user [09:43:56.465] log_message:81 log: 08:43:56.465 I [ap:1752] Connecting to AP [09:43:56.520] log_message:81 log: 08:43:56.520 I [ap:1226] Connected to AP: [09:43:57.345] log_message:81 log: 08:43:57.345 E [ap:3915] Connection error: 410 [09:43:57.437] logged_in:51 logged in error: Bad username and/or password [09:43:57.437] logged_out:61 logged out [09:43:58.438] main:599 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: (null) [09:43:58.438] process_status:1451 process status [09:44:07.109] main:599 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.1 auth: (null) [09:44:07.109] process_status:1451 process status [09:44:07.118] main:599 req: toplist.json res: (null) par: q=tracks&r=user prot: HTTP/1.1 auth: (null) [09:44:07.118] main:703 no remembered user [09:44:07.118] main:1569 bad request for socket or no track [09:44:22.121] main:599 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.1 auth: (null) [09:44:22.121] process_status:1451 process status [09:45:46.710] main:428 C:\PROGRA~3\SQUEEZ~1\Cache\INSTAL~1\Plugins\Spotify\Bin\MSWIN3~1\spotifyd.exe 2.3.3 started ( libspotify: 12.1.51.g86c92b43 Release win32 ) [09:46:07.902] main:599 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.0 auth: (null) [09:46:07.902] process_status:1451 process status [09:46:20.635] main:599 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.1 auth: (null) [09:46:20.635] process_status:1451 process status [09:46:20.645] main:599 req: toplist.json res: (null) par: q=tracks&r=user prot: HTTP/1.1 auth: (null) [09:46:20.645] main:703 no remembered user [09:46:20.645] main:1569 bad request for socket or no track [09:46:35.646] main:599 req: status.json res: (null) par: (null) prot: HTTP/1.1 auth: (null) [09:46:35.646] process_status:1451 process status -------------------- After the first failure, I had noted that the Spotify.prefs did not contain a password. I stopped the server, entered the password in clear text between the quotation marks, and restarted the server (9:45). That did not help either, the self test still fails, although the debug log messages are different, there is no complaint about a wrong password, but there's no connect attempt at all. Any idea what I should do? +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Filename: Spotify_plugin_self_test.jpg | |Download:| +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ KFal's Profile: View this thread: _______________________________________________ plugins mailing list