Sorry if this has been answered a couple of times before. 
I tried finding solutions to it but potentially I used the wrong
(and especially this thread is simply too big to go through) 

Due to two very nasty (but obviously common) problems 
- Search results in the official plug in show a lot of not playable
tracks (not available in your region) 
- Playlists created in spotify all of a sudden disappeared from the
official spotify plugin or reported a Bad Gateway 502 - error.

I just uninstalled the "normal" spotify plugin and installed the 3rd
party version of triode. 

Basically this plugin works as I would have expected the official one to
- Search results show playable tracks
- Playlists are available and can be used. 

BUT. I am not able to play different Spotify songs on my different SBs
devices at the same time. 
- I can start one album on one SB - it will play. 
- I can stop the first SB and start another album on the second SB - no
- I can sync the second to the first SB and listen to the same spotify
source at the same time - also no problem (that is actually also not
working with the official logitech SB plug-in) - Nice !  
- However, when the first SB plays album A and then I start the second
SB to play album B both SBs will play perfectly for a short time. 
Then the first SB will stop in the middle of the current song. It will
take a couple of seconds until it starts to play the next track of the
current album. 
At this point of time the same thing will happen on the second SB. 

So it looks as if - with triode's plug-in - each SB opens a connection
with spotify with the credentials entered in the plug-in settings. 
As spotify only allows one login per account at one time, you are logged
out once somebody is logging in with the same credentials. 
So in the scenario described above, it looks as if the two SBs are
constantly causing each other to be logged out and then directly log in

I don't know why this should happen with triode's plug in while it does
not with the official spotifiy plug in ?
Apart from that problem, the triode plugin would be perfect for me. 

The problem is that my kids have their SB radios in their room and they
can also use spotify. So if I am listening to spotify in the living room
and they start something in their room - none of us can enjoy it. 

If the reason is the licence question with spotify - the question to me
would be why this is not the case with the logitech plug in and (if
Triode's approach is to stick more to the licensing restrictions) why it
is then only possible to enter one set of credentials in the app. 

In order to play back different spotify sources at the same time you
would then have to set up one set of credentials for each different

Or am I simply doing something wrong ?

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