Accord to plugin code if request was for "client new" then the following two routines will be executed
Code: -------------------- sub createListenPort() { my $port = 5123; my $listen; $listen = new IO::Socket::INET6(Listen => 1, Domain => AF_INET6, ReuseAddr => 1, Proto => 'tcp' ); $listen ||= new IO::Socket::INET(Listen => 1, ReuseAddr => 1, Proto => 'tcp' ); return $listen } sub publishPlayer() { my ($apname, $password, $port) = @_; my $pid = fork(); my $pw_clause = (length $password) ? "pw=true" : "pw=false"; my @hw_addr = +(map(ord, split(//, md5($apname))))[0..5]; if ($pid==0) { { exec 'avahi-publish-service', join('', map { sprintf "%02X", $_ } @hw_addr) . "\@$apname", "_raop._tcp", $port, "tp=UDP","sm=false","sv=false","ek=1","et=0,1","cn=0,1","ch=2","ss=16","sr=44100",$pw_clause,"vn=3","txtvers=1"; }; { exec 'dns-sd', '-R', join('', map { sprintf "%02X", $_ } @hw_addr) . "\@$apname", "_raop._tcp", ".", $port, "tp=UDP","sm=false","sv=false","ek=1","et=0,1","cn=0,1","ch=2","ss=16","sr=44100",$pw_clause,"vn=3","txtvers=1"; }; { exec 'mDNSPublish', join('', map { sprintf "%02X", $_ } @hw_addr) . "\@$apname", "_raop._tcp", $port, "tp=UDP","sm=false","sv=false","ek=1","et=0,1","cn=0,1","ch=2","ss=16","sr=44100",$pw_clause,"vn=3","txtvers=1"; }; die "could not run avahi-publish-service nor dns-sd nor mDNSPublish"; } return $pid -------------------- This tells me that a TCP listen will be opened on port 5123 and that 3 processes will be "exec" do a netstat for port 5123 - don't grep as you are probably filtering out useful stuff - look at it all. What "ps" command are you using - I use "ps aux" - you may need to run as root. If there are no other log messages ( I assume you haven't edited the log and not shown some message ) then there is no connection from Airplay to LMS as connection on port 5123 should have happened and this part of the problem. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ bpa's Profile: View this thread: _______________________________________________ plugins mailing list