I'm convinced Port 5123 "listen" is failing. So you need to check the
error code from socket initialisation - I suggest add lines in red in
Plugin.pm and restart LMS making sure plugin.shairplug logging is set to
DEBUG and for startup

  sub createListenPort()
  my $port = 5123;
  my $listen;
  $listen   = new IO::Socket::INET6(Listen => 1,
  Domain => AF_INET6,
  ReuseAddr => 1,
  Proto => 'tcp' );
  $log->info("Returns from Listen in inet 6:  Listen=$listen  and status:  $!" )
  $listen ||= new IO::Socket::INET(Listen => 1,
  ReuseAddr => 1,
  Proto => 'tcp' );
  $log->info("Returns from Listen in inet 4:  Listen=$listen  and status:  $!" )
  return $listen

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