Julf wrote: 
> How well does LMS support cuesheet files? 
In my experience, very, very well.  Andy did a lot of work extending
cuesheet support in the roll out of SBS 7.4 & when he wrote the
audioscan library.  For instance, flacs-with-embedded-cuesheets no
longer require transcoding (as they did with all versions of SS/SC/SBS <
7.4) and are fully supported natively.  Flacs-with-embedded-cuesheets
haven't been 2nd class LMS citizens for the past 5 years.

Julf wrote: 
> And just out of curiosity, is there any reason to use cuesheet files
> these days?I think it's just a matter of preference.  I like to rip my music 
> so
that a I end up with a lossless, bit-perfect representation of the whole
original CD in a single file.  That file includes not only the the audio
data, but the metadata and the album art, etc.  And in my case, it means
that for a library of 68,960 tracks, I only have to wrangle 4,807 flac

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