plympton wrote: 
> Getting this error on the JSON parsing version on my Linux VM:
> [14-12-01 22:22:11.6046] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (147)
> Error: Select task failed calling
> Slim::Networking::Async::HTTP::_http_read_body: Can't call method
> "as_text" on an undefined value at
> /var/lib/sbssvn/Cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/SuperDateTime/lib/Plugins/SuperDateTime/
> line 3241.
> ; fh=Slim::Networking::Async::Socket::HTTP=GLOB(0xdf8cec8)
> A quick search yields a null check should be done first:
> $a ? $a->as_text : '';
> Which basically says "If $a exists, do the as_text of it, otherwise use
> blank"

I don't think you got my version of loaded from last night as
the line you erred out on (3241) was commented out in that version. 
With that said my upload from last night probably wouldn't have worked
for you anyway.  Atslim identified the JSON module I was using wasn't
available on linux boxes.  If you don't mind giving the one I uploaded
this evening a try I would appreciate it.  It is attached to my reply to

PS - Your "Brief history" post from the other day led me to the JSON
solution I implemented in tonight's upload.  Thanks for that.

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