> If you wish to support downsampling - you should look at main
> convert.conf file to how to do downsampling using flac.

Downsampling is not needed in my case; all of the players support

> Sorry for the dumb question, but the audio source is only available in
> analogue format ? Other than that, would creating a source stream using
> (eg) vlc work ? that source stream could then be a radio feed fed back
> for LMS - if you are not sensitive to delay, that would probably work, I
> think

Yes, the audio from my HQ audio sources is only available in analog
format. While the streaming with vlc would also (hopefully) work too, I
wouldn't be the only one using this solution, and I wanted to have a
nice interface and an easy-to-control method as well as synchronization
of the playback streams. I have a feeling that would be complex with
that direct streaming method.

> Remove the PCM line as there is no easy way this is going to work.
> Remove the MP3 because even though it can be made to work - why waste
> time working out the correct lame option settings.

After this suggestion, I wanted to make sure that whatever command I
have in the custom-convert.conf file would be more or less usable from
the command line. I did several tests with this, and ran into problems.
I tested playback of the .flac files I created with mplayer, since
arecord/aplay doesn't support flac files. I downloaded a 24/192/2ch flac
test file from Linn Recordings to ensure that I could playback a
24/192/2ch file locally on my server unit, which I was able to do
through mplayer with no problems. However, when I tried to create a line
close to what I'd be using in the custom-convert.conf file using
"arecord -d0 -c2 -f S24_LE -r 192000 -traw -D hw:0 | flac -cs
--endian=little --sign=signed --channels=2 --bps=24 --sample-rate=192000
--compression-level-0 - -o flac_raw24.flac", I simply got static with
warped music underneath. When I change the bits per sample (in both the
arecord portion and the flac portion) though, mplayer plays back the
file fine. These two behaviors also occur if I change the -t field to
wav. Changing the sample rate doesn't change the behavior. The mplayer
states that the file is s32le format (which I thought might be a
problem), but it also states that the working flac file from Linn is
s32le. Also, I tried to simply record 24 bit and 16 bit audio to a wav
file (not using the flac conversion) and play it back with mplayer.
mplayer will sound the same as the 24 bit flac files I created (static,
warped music), but when I play it through aplay, it plays fine.

Does anyone know why the flac conversion is crapping out like this at 24
bits? The Wolfson card can definitely support 24/192/2ch
capture/playback. I know this thread is running a bit off topic, but I
feel like this is the last hurdle before a working solution. I've
attached screenshots of all the flac conversions/wav captures/playbacks
I attempted and the mplayer results when I play them. test192.flac is
the Linn test file:


Thanks for all the responses so far!


|Filename: mplayer Output 4.png                                     |
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